Logo UMAC Universeum 2024

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Joint annual meeting of ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM
"SHAPING TRANSFORMATION. University collections in a changing world"

September 24th to 29th, 2024
TUD Dresden University of Technology, Germany

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About Universeum
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Universeum is a European network, established in the year 2000, concerned with academic heritage in its broadest sense, both tangible and intangible. It aims at the preservation, study, access and promotion of university collections, museums, archives, libraries, botanical gardens,  astronomical observatories, etc. It is open to heritage and museum professionals, researchers, students, university administrators and all those involved in university heritage.

From June 2010, Universeum has become an association ruled by Statutes and by the Local Civil Code prevailing in the County of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle.
Individuals and Institutions concerned with academic heritage are invited to join Universeum and become members.