European Academic Heritage Day 2021

Share your hidden stories on European Academic Heritage Day!

For European Academic Heritage Day 2021 (18 November) we organize the following activities: an online campaign through Instagram and Twitter, and an online afternoon Tea meeting to discuss your social media entries and to get together to celebrate this important day.

Online campaign #AcademicHeritageDay2021:

We invite all the members of the UNIVERSEUM network to post an image or a short video of an object that tells a surprising story on either Instagram or Twitter in the week up until the 18th of November.

Academic heritage doesn’t always speak for itself. We have to work on and with the objects in our collections to better understand and interpret them. We have to unravel their meaning, relate to them, dive into the archives to gather all knowledge available to be able to tell their stories.

Some of these stories we have readily available and we tell them often and regularly. But other stories around the same objects haven’t been told very often or ever before: they are new, discovered by looking at them from a different perspective. They can shed light on things that have so far been out of sight. Or maybe an object has not been encountered for a long time, and that in itself can tell a hidden story.

To celebrate European Academic Heritage Day 2021 with us, we ask you to reveal some of those hidden stories. You can do so by joining our European Academic Heritage Day 2021 campaign.

How to join ?

Choose one object and its photograph or video (of up to 1 min length) and create a short story about it (no more than 60 words for each). Then post this on Instagram with the hashtag #AcademicHeritageDay2021 together with the Universeum address:

for Instagram: @Universeum_Network, for Twitter: @universeum_eu.

Please feel free to also invite colleagues, students, volunteers, visitors to take part in this campaign. There is no limit to the number of entries. If you don’t have an Instagram or Twitter account and don’t have access to someone who does, please email your entry to us at, and we will share it on our socials for you. The campaign starts on 12 November and ends on 19 November 2021.

Online Tea Meeting on European Academic Heritage Day:

On the 18th November, at 4-5.30pm Central European Time, we will run an online meeting  inviting participants who posted at the online #AcademicHeritageDay2021 campaign to give a short talk about the object of their choice, followed by a discussion on how shifting perspectives can change the stories objects tell. (Zoom webinar link: Registration is not required for this event.

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@Universeum_Network and

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