18 November 2012
Objects in context?
European universities host outstanding libraries, archives, museums, collections and monuments of historic, scientific and artistic interest.
This heritage embodies the universities’ 900-year contribution to the advancement of science and knowledge and is a major component of European identity and culture.
In order to raise awareness to the importance of university heritage, UNIVERSEUM, the European University Heritage Network, has established 18 November as European University Heritage Day.
On this day, European universities celebrate their common cultural heritage through special activities, debates, conferences and access to their museums, collections and monuments. The theme for 2012 is: Objects in context?
Announcement (PDF)
University of Padua
Conferences and events
Animals past and present – myth and science
Museum of Geology and Palaeontology and Museum of Zoology
19 November – 16.00
Program in English – program in Italian
Pre-cinema instruments: between science and spectacle
Museum of the History of Physics
19 November – 17.00
Program in English – program in Italian
Archives of excavation: the rediscovery of a heritage
Museum of Archaeological Science and Art
22 November – 15.30
Program in English – program in Italian
The mummy of the high priest of Thoth
Museum of Anthropology
20 November – morning and afternoon
Program in English – program in Italian
Université libre de Bruxelles – ULB
Free activities and participative workshops about gastronomy Ecomusée du Viroin in Treignes – Network of ULB’s Museums
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Learning Activity for families – "Inanimate Objects have you then a soul? The use before reuse"
History Museum 18 November 2012