Recommendation on University Heritage (2005)
Recommendation Rec(2005)13, entitled Recommendation on the Governance and Management of University Heritage, was unanimously approved by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in December 7, 2005. It results from the collaboration of two sections of the Council – Higher Education & Research and Cultural Heritage – and is primarily aimed at university administrations and governments.
The document includes specific recommendations on policies, legislation, governance and management, finance, access, professional training, research, awareness raising, relations with local communities, and international cooperation.
The Recommendation asks university administrations “to consider all parts of the heritage of a higher education institution as falling under their ultimate legal, administrative and moral responsibility” and calls for dedicated funding of university heritage in the budget of higher education institutions.
For further information :
Resarch project : Professionalizing museum work in higher education: a global approach
The project, proposed by UMAC has won a grant in 2017 from ICOM. UNIVERSEUM is partner of the project, together with ICTOP (International Committee of ICOM for the Training of Personnel), and the AAMG (Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, USA).
A first survey and analyse was done but it needed more participants to be really significant. This second round is on going due to a second grants from ICOM. A workshop was held in Belo Horizonte in Octobre 2018 with the different partners. The results will be presented in Kyoto in Septembre 2019 during the next UMAC annual conference and will be followed by a publication.
For further information:
Recent heritage of science guidelines
- Selection criteria for recent material heritage of science at universities (PDF) – Document by Universeum Working Group on Recent Heritage of Science, 17 January 2014
- Minimum Requirements for Preservation and Access of Recent Heritage of Science (PDF)
- Checklist for the preservation and access of recent heritage of science (PDF)
- Literature on recent heritage of science (PDF) – Please contact Roland Wittje for additions to the list of references.
Universeum publications
- Sofia Talas, Marta C. Lourenço (eds), Arranging and rearranging: planning university heritage for the future, Padova University Press, Padova, 2012
The volume can be purchased from Padova University Press website
Universeum members can ask Universeum secretary for a free pdf version of the volume. - Laetitia Maison, Sofia Talas and Roland Wittje (eds), Shaping European university heritage – Past and possible futures, Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 3, Trondheim, 2013.
To ask for the volume, contact Universeum secretary - Pedro Ruiz Castell (ed), Beyond Public Engagement, New Ways of Studying, Managing and Using University collections, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015
Other resources
Manual for Scientific Heritage – Museum of Astronomy of Rio de Janeiro